Ask Terence McKenna

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20 total mentions.
8 talks with query:
"artificial intelligence"
(0.14 seconds)

Evolving Times

... by Roger Penrose, I think? It’s an argument against the idea of A.I. artificial intelligence and whether you were able to follow his argument, ‘cause I would take...

1995 5
Linear Societies and Non-Linear Drugs

...s, I've been thinking a lot and I talked to you a lot last year about artificial intelligences and minds which are not human. Minds which are very different from u...

1999 4
I Ching, Habit & Novelty

...e is uh the implication there that leads me to question perhaps about artificial intelligence, I don't know if you're familiar with this, but this one thing fascin...

1997 4
The Future of Art

...onsciousness into circuitry. He’s also talking about artificial life, artificial intelligence, sentient software, software which knows it’s software but which also...

1998 3
Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines

...can occur in the blink of an eye. Hans Moravec says about the rise of artificial intelligence, we may never know what hit us. I think if I were to suddenly find my...

1999 1
Culture and Ideology are Not Your Friends

... make my move. And, Hans Moravec, of the Carnegie Mellon Institute of artificial intelligence says, 'we probably won’t ever know what hit us'. Well, I think that’s...

1999 1
Light of the Third Millenium

...levels. And now the prosthesis of machinery and the possibility of an artificial intelligence raises the real option of producing… of actually midwifing the birth ...

1997 1
Surfing the Fractal Wave at the End of History

...l network, do not think that the invoking of this thing — which is an artificial intelligence, a protean, non-human intelligence, a globally-distributed, self-lear...

1997 1